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GERLON steel wool special hardwood stripping 200 gr
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Steel wool GERLON 200 gr for stripping hardwoods

Reference -GERLODMLA
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9.00 €

Stripping hardwood furniture and gun butts

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This special GERLON steel wool is ideal for stripping hardwood rifle butts as well as moldings and reliefs.


Gerlon Medium Stripping Steel Wool provides an initial sanding to remove blistered paints prior to the application of a stripper.


They also pick up stripper residues when stripping hardwoods (oak, beech, hornbeam, walnut, ash, etc.).


1 / Strip a waxed piece of furniture or a dirty rifle butt.

First, remove the wax using a stripper (or a stripper if the wood is very dirty ..) which will dissolve the different layers of wax or dirt.

- Apply this Lefaucheux type dewaxer / stripper.

- Rinse well with fine alcohol neutralizing Lefaucheux.

(Never rinse with water, this will cause the wood fibers to rise!)


Once completely dry, you can complete the stripping, using the dry steel wool.

Always dust well at the end of work.


2 / Strip varnished or painted furniture

Follow the stripper manufacturer's recommendations.

- Remove the pickling slurry with a wooden scraper (a small spatula type used for a raclette machine ...) then take a piece of steel wool to finish by working in the direction of the wood fibers.


Supple, Gerlon stripping wools perfectly match the contours.


Master Cabinetmaker quality!



Precautions for use:


- Keep away from heat / sparks / open flames / hot surfaces.
- Take precautionary measures against electrostatic discharges.
- Always work with the grain of the wood (scratches are irreversible).
- Use gloves and protection suitable for sanding work.
- Store away from moisture to prevent the appearance of rust.


Skein of 200 gr

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